Dealing with Blows to the Ego
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Dealing with Blows to the Ego

A good friend recently let me know that someone was trying to ruin my professional reputation. It was hard to not feel bad. While we hopefully never have to experience public shame like Monica Lewinsky, we all know how it feels to take hits to our ego. I hope by sharing how I navigated my emotional landmines in this situation, you can quickly get to lighter, happier place the next time someone takes a swing at you.

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More Fun, Less Grind to Achieve your Goals
Christina Loh Christina Loh

More Fun, Less Grind to Achieve your Goals

Ever wonder why some of your goals are easily achieved while others remain unobtainable? The key to successful goal attainment is to empower your subconscious mind to achieve the goal for you. However, letting your subconscious mind take ownership of your goals isn’t 100% straightforward. The subconscious requires a certain set of conditions to get the job done. By incorporating these tips, you will achieve your goals with more fun, less grind and better results.

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Don't Panic! Tiny Habits That Make A Resilient Career
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Don't Panic! Tiny Habits That Make A Resilient Career

Adding some simple habits into your week can free you from fear and enable you to do what you love.

The majority of us go to work to raise our families and maintain our lifestyles.  If you have been in the workforce, you have likely experienced layoffs, reorganizations or worked for people who fill you with dread.  We have all experienced the fear of being let go or having to make soul sucking decisions to pay the mortgage.…

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Decisions, decisions…and Excel can’t help!
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Decisions, decisions…and Excel can’t help!

Sharing my approach towards facing hard decisions. Whether it is tough decisions about sustaining your business or personal career choices in these uncertain times...hope you find this framework helpful.

A former employee, Kay, recently reached out to me for coaching. She was leaning towards walking away from her heart’s desire for certainty…

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Ambition, Children & Husbands OH MY!
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Ambition, Children & Husbands OH MY!

Thoughts on surviving and thriving as a working Mom.

If you are an ambitious woman, one challenge is that the biological clock ticks loudest typically right around the time you've gained enough experience to be up for a major promotion…

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Becoming Less Intimidating
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Becoming Less Intimidating

What feedback about your leadership style has followed you throughout the years and how do you challenge yourself to grow over your career?

For the first decade or so the consistent feedback I received was “I’m intimidating”.  I was valued for my intellect and drive, but only other A type, analytical thinkers enjoyed working with me.  Luckily I had many great (and a great many) managers giving me feedback…

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Make Disconnecting A Priority
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Make Disconnecting A Priority

Thinking about authenticity, showing that you’re connecting in the moment is huge. Knowing many leaders, particularly in the tech industry feel compelled to always be on and tied to their phones, what’s your personal philosophy on being available via email and mobile? What do you expect of your team and/or peer group?

In any endeavor, whether you are leading a multi-billion dollar organization, rebuilding an engine or cleaning a bathroom, focus and clear thinking results in great work.  I’m very clear when I introduce myself to a new team that our focus is everyday bringing our greatest version of leadership and every moment should be spent supporting the organization’s trajectory.  Very rarely does that mean that we should be consumed with email every waking hour and sitting in bad meetings responding to email….

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Creating High Performing Teams
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Creating High Performing Teams

How do you create a high performing team using genuine or authentic leadership?

High performing teams are teams with PURPOSE and TRUST. Truly high performing teams don’t need a principal leader; each team member leads within their area of expertise or capability. A “leader” can help inspire and focus the group on a shared PURPOSE…

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Interviewing for High-Performers
Christina Loh Christina Loh

Interviewing for High-Performers

How do you look to assess one’s high-performance capability with candidates using your genuine and direct approach during the interview process?

Interviewing is unfortunately flawed.  There are people who just can’t verbally communicate their talent and others who are great at telling you what you want to hear, or better yet, let you do all the talking.  But, for lack of a better means of assessing the unknown, there are three questions I explore to at least try to assess if they are right for the organization…

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